Saturday, March 21, 2020

Canadian health policy Essays

Canadian health policy Essays Canadian health policy Paper Canadian health policy Paper Canada’s   public founded health care system is dynamic, reforms are been made over four decades and will continue in responds to changes within medicine and throughout the society .The basics is the universal coverage for medically necessary health care service provided on the   basis of need rather than the ability to pay. Canadian health policy is regarded as one of the best health services in the world. The demand for these health services are however growing at the same time as economic resources are diminishing. Health policy initiatives have achieved the 1964 royal commission on health services goal of access of medical care for all Canadian. The current challenge is to enable all Canadian to achieve the best possible state of health and to do this within the limitation of changing social, economic and political climate. Canada’s   publicly funded health care services is best described as an interlocking   set of ten provincial and three territorial health insurance plan known as Medicare.   It provides access to universal, comprehensive coverage for medically necessary facilities. The Canadian health care system have started since 1867constitutin which contains few specifics about health, and till date many issues have been discussed on health related matters and have been very beneficial to the formation of Canadian health care policy. CANADAS HEALTH CARE SYSTEM AT A GLANCE Health policy is intended to be a vehicles for the exploration and discussion of health policy issues and aimed at enhancing good and quality health status among the people in Canada. Canada’s health care system is a group of socialized health insurance plans that provides coverage to all Canadian citizens. It is publicly founded and administered on provincial or territorial basis, within guidelines set by the federal government. Under the health care system, individual citizens are provided preventive care and medical treatment from primary care physicians as well as access to hospitals, dental surgery, and additional medical care. Canada’s health care system is subject of much political controversy and debate in the country. Some people question the efficiency of the current system to deliver treatment in a timely fashion and advocate adopting a private system similar to the United States. Conversely, there are worries that privatization would result to inequality in the health system with only wealthy being able to afford certain treatment. Canada does boast of one of the highest expectancies and lower infant mortality rates of the industrialized countries, which many attributed this to Canada’s health care system.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Abstract and Concrete Nouns Explained

Abstract and Concrete Nouns Explained Abstract and Concrete Nouns Explained Nouns are naming words and an essential part of the English language. They fall into two main categories: concrete and abstract. It is vital to learn how to use both types in your written work, particularly abstract nouns, which can be tricky. This blog post will take a quick and simple look at the basic definitions of these nouns and offer examples to clarify how they should be used. Concrete Nouns Concrete nouns are fairly simple to understand, as they basically refer to things that are solid, like concrete, and that physically exist around us. This means that we can experience concrete nouns through our five senses, in that we can touch, see, smell, taste, and/or hear them. Examples of concrete nouns include: People (man, woman, dentist, proofreader) Animals (dog, cat, bird, bee) Objects (clock, book, computer, pizza) Places and geographical features (mountain, valley, Norwich, France) Abstract Nouns In contrast to concrete nouns, abstract nouns name things that do not exist physically, such as thoughts, ideas or concepts. They are therefore used to denote things that we cant see, smell, taste, and/or hear. Examples of abstract nouns include: Qualities and characteristics (beauty, kindness, wit) Emotions and states of mind (love, happiness, anger) Concepts and ideas (justice, freedom, truth) Events and processes (progress, Thursday, Christmas) If youre still unsure about the difference between concrete and abstract nouns, let the experts at Proofed help you with your noun usage today!