Sunday, January 26, 2020

The Importance Of Water In Islam Theology Religion Essay

The Importance Of Water In Islam Theology Religion Essay In Malaysia, after Pakatan Rakyat party successfully conquering Selangor state from Barisan Nasional party since 2008, they have launched a lot of initiative welfares for Selangor residents. On 13 March 2008, Selangor State Government has announced the implementation of Merakyatkan Ekonomi Selangor (MES) agenda to improve living standard of Selangor residents. There are 14 agendas included in MES and one of them is free water provision for the first 20 cubic meters water domestic consumers who using individual meters in Selangor starting from June 2008. Selangor State Government offers first 20 cubic meters water which equivalent to 20,000 liters or 5.680 gallons per month for free. This benefit is for all Selangor people regardless of their economy status, race or political affiliation. Other than that, the main objective of this welfare is to reduce the burden life especially for low-income groups as a result cost of living and the inflation rates are continue to increase. At the same time, it is of the holistic and integrated components to restructuring water management in order to provide more efficient and effective service. Through this program, Selangor State Government bear the average cost of rebate RM 11.00 per month for each user. Then, the record payment by the Selangor State Government is stated in bill received by each user from SYABAS (Selangor Water Supply Company). Besides that, 20 cubic meters of free water supply is only eligible for domestic consumers who use individual meters. For domestic users who use bulk meters in condominiums and apartments, they need to change to individual meters to enjoy this free water. Change of bulk meters to individual meters is subject to the conditions set by SYABAS. As the result, currently more than one million people who use individual meters enjoy it especially low cost apartment dwellers. Until July 2012, over RM 6 million was spent on free water to residents of low-cost apartments through Safwa Scheme (Free Water Rebate Scheme). According to Housing and Property Selangor Board (LPHS) report, 92% or 58, 049 units already received. While the remaining 8% or 6, 666 units failed to implement the rebate claim due to labor shortages in Joint Management Body (JMB). This positive action shows the governments responsibility toward public welfare. In Islam, this is a good example because the leader should take care of their people. However, some consider this program involves high costs and will affect the allocation of funds provided by the Government of Malaysia to Selangor state. In Islam, the leader should manage the public properties to avoid waste for not so important activities. Therefore, a comprehensive study and analysis are needed to ensure that the program is consistent with Islamic law. 2. WATER ACCESIBILITY ANALYSIS 2.1 THE IMPORTANCE OF WATER IN ISLAM Historically, all ancient civilizations in the world began in area that has water resources such as river or seashore. For instance, Mesopotamia civilization began at Euphrates and Tigris River, China civilization began at Huang He River and India civilization began at Indus River. This fact shows that they are really rely on water in their daily life. Water from the river is used to irrigate agricultural areas, cooking, bathing and others. Based on Al-Mujam Al-Mufahras book, water or al-ma in Arabic was mentioned 63 times in the Al-Quran. According to Naser I. Faruqui, water is very importance in Islam. It is a blessing from Allah that gives and sustains life, and purifies humankind and the earth. It is based on Allah words in verse 65 of Surah Al-Nahl: And Allah sends down water from above, and therewith gives life to the earth after its death. Surely there is a sign in this for a people who listen. Besides that, Allah said all beings is made from water. According to the research, the earth is covered with 3/4 water and the human body contained of 3/4 water. In verse 30 of Surah Al-Anbiya: Do not those who disbelieve see that the heavens and the earth were closed up, so We rent them. And We made from water everything living. Will they not then believe?. Due to water is very important resource for every people regardless rich or poor, Islam declared that everyone has the right to a fair share of water consumption. This claim is emphasized by the hadith reported by Abu Dawud that Rasulullah said Muslims have common share in three things: grass (pasture), water and fire (fuel). In addition, the Prophet forbids Muslims hoarding the excess water and he is obliged to allow others to use it. The Prophet stated: Among the three people Allah will ignore on the Day of Resurrection are a man who possessed superfluous water on a way and he withheld it from the travellers. This hadith was narrated by Al-Bukhari. Tigris-Euphrates River in Egypt and Huang He River in China use for irrigation 2.2 TYPES OF WATER IN ISLAM In Islam, water is essential for the Muslims to purify themselves such as perform ablution (wudhu) before the prayer and perform obligatory bath (ghusl) after having sexual intercourse. One of the conditions, these actions is necessary to use pure water to make it valid. Thus, the absence of clean water will make it difficult for Muslims to manage their daily life and to worship to Allah SWT. In reality, there are different types of water in this world and not all water is suitable for human. Basically, the water covers around 70% of the earth and it is very exposed to other elements that can change its original condition. Thus, this requires human wisdom to determine whether the water can be used or not. In Fiqh Taharah or Islamic Hygienically Jurisprudence, Islam has divided water into three main parts which pure water and can purify other things (tahur), pure water but cant purify other things (tahir), and water containing dirt which not pure and cant purify other things (mutanajj is). First major category is pure water and can purify other things (tahur). This water can be divided deeper into mutlaq water and musyammas water. For mutlaq water, it remains with the original nature of its occurrence have been made by Allah. It is water that has not been mixed with dirt, water reservoir that is more than two tanks no longer used and not mixed with other substances. In addition, the water is still mutlaq water even thought it has changed due to abandoned for long period in soil, moss and stagnant areas. In addition, if the water continuously flowing but contain sulfur it still categorized as mutlaq water. This is due to water is in liquid condition and difficult to differentiate it. For two tanks measurement, the length and the width is 60 centimeter or 22.5 inches respectively with depth 62.5centimeter or 25 inches. If the two tanks measurement is converted into the weight measurement, it equals to 174 liters or 190 kilogram or 11 kerosene cans. Besides that, there are eight types of water including in the mutlaq water which are river water, well water, rain water, dew water, sea water, snow water, spring water and tap water. The Prophet Muhammad also ordered to use mutlaq water to clean the dirt. This evidence is based on Abu Hurairah narration: a Bedouin stood up and peed in the mosque, so his friends prevent it. Upon this Rasulullah said, leave him and pour a container of water over the urine. Indeed, you are asked to facilitate not troublesome. Then, according to Sheikh Abu Abdullah Husayn Nasir bin Muhammad Taib in his As-Subyan Hidayatul book :Not valid the purification unless water come from common qaid such as sugar cane, sugar, soap and such, and water from the sky such as rain and dew or water coming out of the earth such as sea water, river water and well water. On the other hand, musyammas water is quite different compare to mutlaq water. In Al-Badrain Matla book written by Sheikh Abdul Al-Fatani Faqir Muhammad Bin Ismail Daud Al-Fatani stated: Musyammas water is also pure water and can purify other things but abominable (makruh) to use it on the body. It afraid contributes to hairpiece disease when people used it. The position is permanent in a container and heated by sunlight in hot climate states. This matter very seriously considered by Rasulullah as in a story narrated by Baihaqi: From Saiditina Aishah indeed she is heating the water under sunlight, and Rasuluhlah SAW had said to her: do not do that O Aishah because the water can cause hairpiece disease. Literally, makruh means dislike, blamed and displeasing. It refers to leave anything not demanded by Allah but not prohibited to do it. Acts which are makruh are definitely discouraged but the evidence to prove they are forbidden is less strong. Thus, the commission of makruh acts is n ot blamed but its omission is preferable. Second major category is pure water but cant purify other things (tahir). This water can be divided more into mustamal water and muqayyad water. For mustamal water, the water is able to drink but not applicable for cleansing. According to Ibn Akhil in his book entitled Al-Mutaalim Zadul: Mustamal water is less than two tank that has been used for impurities such as has been used in ablution and bath or water that has been used in remove the dirt. After that, it is not valid to purify other things. Besides that, water from trees, fruits and roots also considered as mustamal water. Then, all water can change by two ways which are changing by taqdiri and changing by hissi. Changing by taqdiri means the water only change on taqdir (stipulation) and the changes cant be seen. So, mustamal water is under changing by taqdiri However, changing by hissi means the changes that can be seen. Mutlaq water is under changing by hissi. In addition, Syeikh Faqih Dr. Wahbah Al-Zuhaili argued that the a mount of water also affect water quality. For example is mustamal water become mutlaq water if the quantity more than 2 tank or 270 liter. Dew water, river water and snow water are some sources that can be used for mutlaq water Next, water is mixed by two ways. First way is through mujawir. This means the water changes because there is something that can be separated from the water. For example, a person put a stick in a pail to stir the water in the pail. Then, the stick can be pulled out from the pail. Then the water is still regarded as pure water. Second way is through mukhalit. This means the water changes because there is something that unable separated from the water. For instance, a person put the fruit flavor in a pail of water. It is impossible to separate fruit flavor and water to their original condition. Then the water no longer exists as pure water as has changes to mustamal water. In contrast, muqayyad water is water that is mixed with something pure that changing one of the characteristics. For instance are coffee water, sugarcane juice and soap. In Islamic view, parameters for water quality are based on the chemical and physical characteristics of smell, taste, color and temperature. Then, qayyad on water is divided into qayyad lazim and qayyad musfaq. For qayyad lazim, it means substances attached together until it absolutely different from pure water such as coffee and honey. Although pure, it still cant be used for purification because already mixed with variations of water. However, for qayyad musfaq, it means substances detached among each other and not affect pure water such as rain water and well water. Thus, the water is still cited as pure water. Third major category is water containing dirt which not pure and cant purify other things (mutanajjis). There are three main conditions regarding to mutanajjis water which unable for purification. First condition is water containing less than two tanks even though the water does not change color, smell and taste. Second condition is water containing more than two tanks but has changes color, odor and taste due to the dirt. Third condition is water is mixing with clean substances but has the color, smell and taste. In terms of language, dirt is defined as dirty things such as blood, urine and feces. In terms of syara, dirt is defined as all the impurities that prevent validity for pray. There are three types of dirt according to their hierarchy and all the dirt must be purified using mutlaq or pure water. The lightest dirt is mukhaffafah. It is the urine of baby boy who only eat breast milk and less than two years old. The cleansing methods are by wash and wipe the urine before sprinkle the pure water on the place. The moderate dirt is mutawasittah. It is including blood, pus, vomit, saliva, alcohol and others. The cleansing methods are washing until lost any nature color, smell and taste before cleanse by pure water. The heaviest dirt is mughallazah. It is the dirt relate to dog and pig. The cleansing methods are by wash once by soil water. Then, continue washing by using pure water for six times until loss any nature color, smell and taste. If still not gone, repeat the washing method. 2.3 THE WATER MANAGEMENT IN MUSLIM COUNTRIES In December 1998, the Workshop on Water Resources Management in the Islamic World was held in Amman, Jordan. One of the discussions is implementation approaches for water demand management (WDM) within the context of Islam. The approaches are water conservation and wastewater reuse. In water conservation approach, they argued supply of water is fixed. Thus, water management is needed to ensure the amount water supply is enough with the amount of water used. This opinion can be approved in verse 18 of Surah Al-Mukminun: And We send down water from the sky according to certain measure, and We cause it to soak in the soil; and We certainly are able to drain it off (with ease). Human can use water in moderate way and not consume beyond the limit. If extravagant exist, Allah has right to take back His blessings. The Prophet also taught human to consume efficiently. According to Al-Bukhari: The Prophet Mohammad used to perform ablution with one mudd of water [equal to 2/3 litres] and used to take a bath with one sa up to five mudds [equal to 2-3 1/2 litres]. Currently, this water conservation approach shows positive impact when the World Health Organization (WHO) launched a health education program through mosques. The program included training imams on proper health practices, water conservation, water saving, proper sanitation and hygiene in the prevention of diseases. In addition, the imams then gave sermons about water conservation during the congregational Friday prayer. For wastewater reuse approach, they argued water should not be wasted. Thus, water should be used for beneficial purposes and use it in effective and efficient way. In verse 31 of Surah Al-Araf: O Children of Adam! wear your beautiful apparel at every time and place of prayer: eat and drink: But waste not by excess, for Allah loveth not the wasters. From this verse, Allah hate people who are wasteful in eat and drink. Normally, individual drinking water every day in their life because thirsty. However, if some people deliberately waste the water, others people might not able to drink sufficient of water. Reusing wastewater is an essential component of a demand management strategy because it conserves freshwater for the highest-value uses. In 1978, the Council of Leading Islamic Scholars (CLIS) in Saudi Arabia concluded in a special fatwa in 1978 that treated wastewater can be used even for ablution and drinking as soon as absence of health risk. This fatwa was concluded based on detailed study by scientists and engineers toward waste water condition and its short-term and long-term effects toward human health. Saudi Arabia Wastewater Treatment Plant at Riyadh and Al Hail Both water conservation approach and wastewater reuse approach was introduced before are classified as non-economic approach. However, in a book entitled Water Management in Islam, one economic approach which called family planning was added. Basically, family planning not directly reducing the average water consumption. However, it helps for further reductions in overall availability of water per capita. By family planning, the government can predict future reduction of water consumption as size of members per family smaller. When future result is known, it facilitates the government to provide systematic long-term planning in order to overcome future problems. However, the problem is family planning or contraception is new in Islam. During Prophet Muhammad era, most Muslims have big family members because it didnt have birth control regulations. Therefore, based on this situation, a few Islamic scholars believe that birth control is not allowable in Islam. Still, some others scholar said it is no strong evidence in Islam to support a ban on family planning. Moreover, they contend although the religion encourages having children, it is not obligatory. Finally, the contemporary jurists agreed that family planning is allowable in Islam with a few conditions must be followed. First, it is only permissible for married couple man and woman. Second, it should have the mutual consent of the couple and thirdly, the chosen method must truly controllable. As conclusion, three approaches stated before will provide some alternatives for Islamic countries to choose the possible method for their water management. The holistic assessment should be implemented according to advantages and disadvantages of each approach. For water conservation, the advantage it is not very large cost but the disadvantage may no full commitment from society. For wastewater reuse, the advantage it is able for countries which doesnt have abundant water sources but the disadvantage it covers very high cost for building plants and continuous treatment process. For family planning, the advantage it is the government able to predict future water usage but the disadvantage it will reduces number of Muslims population in that country. 3.WATER RIGHTS

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Oilwell Cable Company, Inc.

1. If Norm chooses to go ahead with the microprocessor conversion on the machinery without passing it by the team he runs the risk of having a conflict with the production team. In the past a similar situation had caused significant trouble and Norm did not want to rock the boat for the sake of it. The company structure is such that each team decides on matters pertaining to their area and Norm’s decision to implement the change would definitely cause a stir. The implementation of the microprocessor would cut production time by 1 percent and reduce scrap from the current rate of 1 percent down to one-half percent (Meredith, 227) .The other advantage of implementing the change without the consent of the production team would be that it would get done at a faster pace. The current management structure was such that it took a lot of time and energy on the employees’ part to come to a decision (Meredith, pg 229). 2. If Norm decides to consult the team prior to implementing the change the number one issue will be the time it takes for them to come to a decision. The team is known for taking a really long time to reach any decision (Meredith, pg 229). This decision process uses a lot of the employees’ time and energy which could be utilized in a much better way.The biggest advantage of including the production team in the decision making process for the implementation of the microprocessor would be that Norm would get their buy in. This would be key for the success of the idea. The team dynamics are such that once the team agrees to a change or idea, the implementation is quick (Meredith, pg 229). 3. The approval and implementation of the microprocessor by the production team represents a functional form of project organization. 4. Given the size of the company and the work they did along with the functionalized project organization it does not make sense to have a PMO.Since most of their work is based around the production of cables I see no poi nt in having a PMO. A major contribution of PMOs is to establish project administration procedures for selecting, initializing and planning, budgeting and scheduling projects as well as serve as a repository for reports on the performance of the planning, budgeting, scheduling, and resource allocation processes (Meredith & Mantel, pg 193). The structure of the organization does not require a PMO since decisions are made at the team level and not from a management level hence a PMO is not required. Func†¦

Friday, January 10, 2020

The History of Safety Essay Topics Refuted

The History of Safety Essay Topics Refuted One of the greatest approaches to determine how to create critical thinking is to maintain an open mind. The very first thing that you should do in the practice of figuring out how to compose a book critique is to look at the type of book that you're working on. The simplest approach to set the kind of an essay is to realize the writer's point of view. There's no ideal solution on how best to compose an effective essay. The Debate Over Safety Essay Topics What the majority of individuals find difficult in writing essays become easy for you as you are aware about what to write about. Even when you're not likely to compose a paper about it, you may as well pick a topic from the list of persuasive essay topics above that for sure will be great for you. The majority of the folks have a tendency to run away from politics and thus the politics essays also, therefore it is quite important to grab the eye of the readers till the conclusion o f the essay and that would be much difficult I know. There are a number of good topics for illustration essays to pick from. Interview essays are written dependent on an interview, performed by the author. In the event the interview went well, it is going to be simple to compose an interview essay. If you wish to succeed, the very first thing you are to do is to select the appropriate topic for your essay. In reality, you will can create an excellent essay if you decide on its topic correctly. In this kind of situation, it's more convenient to locate ready-made essays and use them as an example. If you're stuck on how best to compose an example essay, you can stick to a few easy measures to dig yourself out of the rut and compose an example essay that you're able to be pleased with. When everyone is completed, review and talk about the tips. As you finalize your topic choice, remember to settle on a process you've completed many occasions and you can explain to another person. There are scores and scores of various channels on the internet that dwell upon particular topics which may be joined to the creation of your essay. The very first thing anyone who loves writing does is to select a handy topic he or she's convenient with. So you don't actually wish to locate a topic! The topic is a guide on what things to write, and it can be completed in lots of ways. Your topic goes quite a ways to save lives. List three to five topics that you're interested in or would love to write about. Safety Essay Topics Features Don't be afraid to get some additional aid to produce your paper stick out! Now comes the procedure for planning the content, which can be carried out by writing down a quick outline of the human body section. The structure may also differ, but this is a distinct question to discuss. When you haven't already mastered the process, it is going to be tough to learn and compose all at one time. A Secret Weapon for Safety Essay Topics As a writer who's interested in an essay about child safety, there's a lot to chat about. You might discover that lots of the topics can be adapted to suit almost any sort of writing assignment. Some sample topics are given below. Taking into account that lots of p ersuasive essays concern controversial topics, before writing, you can want to sit down and think of what your opinion on the topic actually is. Essay writing is usually practiced is schools. Bear in mind your essay isn't a research paper, and therefore do not cover the top with documentation. Example essays concentrate on one key idea that you prove with different specific, convincing examples. Illustration essays are written in order to spell out study subjects and supply interesting and picturesque descriptions. What the In-Crowd Won't Tell You About Safety Essay Topics Because a superb quality can only be reached with good physical and mental wellbeing and social well-being. Safety communication, thus, is an essential component that helps us keep aware and to avoid environment too. In health security topics, it is extremely simple to produce strong but nice child safety argumentative essay. Workplace safety is an idea, which ought to not be dismissed lightly and followed correctly. New Step by Step Roadmap for Safety Essay Topics Some individuals claim that the purpose of politics ought to be the pursuit of an i deal. They believe that in order to thrive, a society must put its own overall success before the well-being of its individual citizens. It is possible to pick distinctive topics of your choice that's targeted towards academic institutions and child safety at precisely the same moment. Some men and women think that universities should require every student to have a selection of courses away from the student's field of study.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Nature, Function and Classification of Law - 2917 Words

TOPIC ONE NATURE, FUNCTION AND CLASSIFICATION OF LAW Objectives of the course:†¢ Enable the students to think in a more abstract or general fashion than is generally achieved in the study of specific areas of law and demonstrate the same in answering questions. †¢ Enable the student to develop the willingness to question and think independently and to find out more in the study of law. †¢ Discuss critically the definition of law †¢ Explain the various scholars position on their attempt to define the meaning of law †¢ Distinguish law from morality; justice †¢ Explain the various classification of laws †¢ Discuss the functions of law in society Nature of law Meanings given to the word law The word law has various meaning which are used by different†¦show more content†¦His views were popularized by his student John Austin †¢ Hans Kelsen propounded the notion of a grundnorm (or a presupposed ultimate and basic legal norm). The grundnorm i s a hypothetical norm on which all subsequent levels of a legal system such as constitutional law and other laws are based. †¢ H. L. A. Hart who argued that law is a system of rules. These rules, are divided into primary rules (rules of conduct (substantive law)) and secondary rules (rules addressed to officials to administer primary rules). Secondary rules are divided into rules of adjudication (to resolve legal disputes (procedural law)), rules of change (allowing laws to be varied) and the rule of recognition (allowing laws to be identified as valid). †¢ Joseph Raz argues that law is authority, identifiable purely through social sources, without reference to moral reasoning. Marxist Theory Marxist theories of political economy, expounded upon the notions of Karl Marx (1818-83) and Friedrich Engels (1820-95), consider law an instrument of class oppression that benefits the ruling class through oppression of the proletariat. 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